An essay is a non-fiction piece of writing with a clear structure: an introduction, paragraphs with evidence, and a conclusion. Writing an essay is an important skill in English and allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the texts you read and study. It is important to plan the essay before you start writing it, so that you write clearly and thoughtfully about the topic. Let’s see how to write an English essay in a few simple steps.

Steps for writing an essay

    • Read and understand the message: know exactly what is being asked of you. It is a good idea to dissect the message into parts.
    • Plan: brainstorming and organizing your ideas will make your life easier when writing your essay. It is a good idea to network your ideas and supporting details.
    • Use and cite sources: research. Use quotations and paraphrase your sources, but do not plagiarize.
    • Write a draft: drafts are always a good place to get any ideas out and are often required by professors and instructors.
    • Make a strong thesis: the main argument of the essay is the most important thing you are going to write. Make it a strong point.
    • Respond to the topic: once you have solved the problems in your draft, you can start writing the final draft of your essay.
    • Proofread: read your answer carefully to make sure there are no mistakes and that you have not missed anything.

A basic high school or college essay has the following standardized five-paragraph structure:


The introduction should focus directly on the question or title of the essay and aim to present the main idea in the answer. Briefly present your main ideas and arguments.

Main body, divided into paragraphs

This is where the ideas are taken and explored in detail in separate paragraphs. You can begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that summarizes the main idea of the paragraph before introducing the evidence and examples. The topic sentence acts as a short introduction to the paragraph.


The conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay. It should tie up all the loose ends of your argument.

Tips for good writing

Planning pays off

Although it may seem like a waste of time-especially during exams, when time is at a premium-it is almost always best to brainstorm before you start writing. This will allow you to find the best supporting ideas and position them accordingly.

Aim for variety

Sentences and vocabulary of varying complexity are one of the hallmarks of effective writing. When writing, try to avoid using the same words and phrases over and over again. You don’t have to be a walking thesaurus, but a little variety can make the same idea shine.

If you want to continue practicing, do not hesitate to sign up for our private English classes or English courses. We will help you!