Types of letters in English

Types of letters in English

It is possible that, with the advance of new technologies, you may think that letters do not carry the same weight as they did a few years ago. Nevertheless, it remains the most successful means of communication on a wide variety of occasions and continues to be...

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Would modal verb: how to use it

Would modal verb: how to use it

Would is a very unusual word. It is a modal auxiliary verb but has at least fourteen different uses and several different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. Would is commonly used to create conditional verb forms, but it also serves as a past form...

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Difference between which and what

Difference between which and what

As far as grammatical rules are concerned, the difference between "that" and "which" is by far not the most controversial. It's not about using a preposition to end a sentence, or any of those other spelling and grammar rules that no one can agree on. But there is...

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How to improve English pronunciation

How to improve English pronunciation

Learning to pronounce English words correctly can be one of the most difficult parts of the language, especially if there are sounds that your native language does not have or if you tend to stumble over the pronunciation of complicated vowels. Just look at how "way",...

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