Every night the same thing happens in a million homes. People sit on the couch with the remote control in hand, not knowing what to watch. If you feel identified with this reality, don’t worry! In FunTalk we have prepared a list of the best documentaries you can watch in English, so you can learn the language while acquiring knowledge of general culture. Shall we start?

Free solo

The award-winning Free Solo is the brainchild of National Geographic. The documentary chronicles climber Alex Honnold’s ascent to the top of the treacherous El Capitan in Yosemite National Park…. without ropes, harnesses or any of those pesky protective things. In addition, the documentary features stunning cinematography.

watch documentaries in englishThey Shall Not Grow Old

Peter Jackson is best known for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings films, but here he takes on an even greater task, as he takes footage from World War I films and restores it. The men at the front talk about the war itself, the food they eat, the friends they make and their dreams for the future. The addition of color, spoken voices, narration and sound effects, brings the story to life and for that reason, given the subject matter, is probably best viewed by older teens. You can find it on Amazon Prime and it’s recommended for ages 14+!

March of the Penguins

March of the Penguins was not only a legitimate cultural phenomenon when it was released in 2005, it is one of the best nature documentaries the world has ever seen. Seriously: who would have thought that the bizarre penguin mating season could excite us in such a way? We almost forgot: March of the Penguins boasts the holy grail of a 21st century documentary. The narration is provided by none other than Morgan Freeman.

Ladies First

If you usually take your kids between sports activities, let them take some time to see how an inspirational girl who grew up in poverty made it to the top of her sport. Deepika Kumari was not only poor, but she came from an Indian culture where girls were not expected to play sports. He took up archery at age 12 because the archery team received one meal a day. She may have been driven by hunger, but her talent led her to make the Indian team at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

documentaries in original versionA Year to change the world

This three-part documentary follows Greta Thunberg as she travels the world in 2019 to witness the devastation caused by climate change and shows the young activist confronting some world leaders along the way. The scenes of the natural world are predictably breathtaking and the series offers a charming glimpse into Thunberg’s family life. Ultimately, it serves as a poignant reminder of the 16-year-old’s remarkable achievements.

Why watch documentaries in English?

Documentaries, as well as series in English, are the perfect opportunity for our ear to get used to the language, and to get to know more typical expressions of the language itself. In fact, it’s the best way to learn without even realizing it. If you choose to watch television in its original version, and you also join an English language school in Barcelona, your level will increase incredibly.