If you’ve ever seen a date in English and thought it was written backwards, you’re right!
But why is it that sometimes the month appears first and sometimes the day?
Is there a correct way to
write dates in English?
What does the use of “th” after a number imply?

If you are looking for an answer to all these questions, you have come to the right place!
Today, in this
Fun TalkWe are going to give you a basic guide that will help you identify the date in English. So, if you want to stop hesitating in exams every time it’s your turn to write the right date in English, keep reading! Here is the correct way to do it.

How to set dates in English

english academy

The answer to this question is very simple: there are several ways, and all of them are correct! In fact, one of the most important differences between British and American English is precisely this, their way of writing dates.

How to write dates in British English

In British English, dates are often written with the ordinal day of the month, followed by the month and then the year. ordinal day of the month, followed by the month and then the year. That is, they follow the same structure we use in Spanish.For example, March 2, 2024 would be written as “2 March 2024.
Además, en el inglés británico, las fechas suelen estar precedidas por “el” (
the) when used in formal contexts.
Thus, one would say “on March 26, 2024”.
In oral form, it would read as follows:
“the second of march of two thousand twenty four”.

How to write dates in American English

By contrast, American English follows the format: month/day/year.
For example, March 2, 2024 would be written as
“March 2, 2024” and it would be said “march second, two thousand twenty four”.

In addition, it is important to note that while in British English the 24-hour format is preferred (e.g., 17:00 instead of 5:00 p.m.), in American English it is more common to use the 12-hour format with the designations “a.m.” and “p.m.”

What is the best way to date in English?

As we have already mentioned, both options are correct!
So, in this sense,
the most important thing is that you maintain coherenceespecially if you are in the middle of the preparation for the Advancedpreparation, as the exams exams are very much about students choosing a style of English and sticking to it. That is, if you start writing dates in one way, keep doing it until the end of your test.

That’s all!
We hope that, after reading this article, it has become clearer to you.
how to write dates in English. And, if you are unable to remember which is the British form of the American form, remember that the English are closer to Spain, and that is why they structure the dates as we do.